Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Mini-Conference at SUNY Cortland

We had a NYS AHPERD Mini-Conference last friday, October 7th. This opportunity was very enjoyable as well as beneficial for me. At the opening of this conference I took part in a flash mob. It turned out to be pretty successful and we even got some of the crowd involved like we had wanted to. To see it Click Here! While at the conference I was also able to take part in a session called "life of an athlete". This session discussed the consequences of drugs and alcohol on an athlete. The major thing I took away from this was how alcohol disrupts the training of an athlete. If an athlete gets intoxicated two days out of the week then their training fails. For example, If a person is training heavily for a sporting event and then goes out on friday and saturday and becomes intoxicated, training up to 14 days prior to drinking will be lost. This really opened my eyes because it can be seen right here, in a college setting. Student athletes who spend all those hours training and go out on the weekends are ruining their hard work and are just hurting their teams in the end. In addition, I also attended a session where I learned how to merengue along side my peers as well as Physical Education teachers. This was defiantly an enjoyable experience. We learned a number of progressions starting with the counts, steps and turns. By the end, we were able to go through an entire routine. I had to go out of my comfort zone a little, but it was well worth it in the end.

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